I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go to the house of the Lord . Psalm 122:1

Welcome to the Palestine United Pentecostal Church.
A church with a vision for Apostolic growth in the future, and outreach for hurting people. It is our goal and desire to make our church a positive part of lives for those who feel the need for a church family, and we want to minister to their needs and those closest to them.
To meet the challenge of our world today we want to create a place of worship; not just a place to attend. The Lord Jesus said that he "seeketh such to worship him... in spirit and in truth", and we want to fulfill this scripture to the best of our ability.
Guests to our church will experience Pentecostal singing, preaching and worship in every service. We pray for the sick, believing the days of miracles are not over. Come join us in our services; it is our goal to make you feel welcome.
Bro. W.E. Shiflet